Project Management Championship Regulation
The International Project Management Championship is a competition for university’s students consisting of 3 stages:
• During the Qualification Round students’ teams are asked to take an online test. The test consists of 100 multiple choice questions that must be answered in 100 minutes. The knowledge level required is equal to the IPMA level D certification. The test must be completed at one attempt and can be accessed only from one computer.
• The international IPMC team communicates the results (percentage scores reached from each team) within maximum one week after the end of the round and directly to the Local PM of PMC.
The 6 teams reaching the highest score qualify for the National Final. Names of classified teams will be communicated and published on the local YC website and on the international YC website.
The National Final is organized by the Local Young Crew Board with the support of the MA.
Each team admitted to the National Final must solve one real-life case study within 4 hours. The case study must be focused on project management and refer to the IPMA ICB4 content. Each team must prepare a presentation of its results and submit it to a jury which consists of PM professionals from the IPMA network.
Note: The Software SimulTrain® should not be used for the national final. For the training on the IPMC finals the Demo tool SimulTrain® from can be used and this will be supplied by the IPMA YoungCrew and their project team.
In Addition to that the Software results is contributing to the final evaluation besides different other activities like e.g. presentation.
There can be specific rules applying to the National Final depending on the country.
The winning team of each national final will then participate in the Project Management Championship international final and compete with all other national winners. The final is a 2-day event hosted each year in a different country. The final winners will be the Champions of the PMC competition worldwide.
The competition is aimed exclusively to university students. Only Bachelor and Master degree students, under 35 years of age are allowed to take part in the competition.
Before starting and announcing the competition at a national level, each country needs to
nominate a local Project Manager and sign the official IPMC LOI Letter of Intent. The local PM will be the referent person keeping contacts with the International PMC team.
Each country through the Local PM must communicate to the IPMC team:
- The dates of opening for teams’ registrations and Qualification Round. These two steps can be one after the other or in parallel, according to country’s preference;
- A date for the National Final;
- Names of the national winning team;
- All the other information and documents as required in the IPMC LOI.
To compete you must first make sure that your national young crew is holding the championship. All participating countries are listed at the following link:
To participate students must start a team of 3-4 people and register filling in the form available on IPMA Young Crew website. Each team needs to have a Team Leader.
Students can form mixed teams (members from different universities), but they must choose which university they represent and specify the name of their professor.
If your country is not listed, please get in touch with your local young crew and consider volunteering to organize the PMC at your country.
Cheating is forbidden as well as any other misbehavior is forbidden. Sharing the username and password is absolutely forbidden. This kind of activity will lead to the team’s disqualification and will be reported forward.
In case that a winning team member needs to step down, the options are the following ones:
- if there were 4 members, then 3 members stay and participate as a team
- if there were 3 members, the local PM of PMC gives them the following choice:
- to accept one team member from team that took 2nd place (they can choose which one)
- or step down and give this opportunity to 2nd
The Project Management Championship is owned by the IPMA Young Crew, which holds all rights and responsibilities.